Sunday, January 31, 2010


We left heathrow T4 on the 3rd but arrived on the 4th in Delhi, A little bit confused about our bags which had promised to be delivered safely to Kathmandu, we were ushered to security where i was probed by security who had a problem with the underwiring in my bra. some serious frisking going on! apart from that a pretty good flight actually, with REAL NAPKINS AND CUTLERY!!! i was impressed by the film selection, so me, the notorious wriggler actually stayed reasonably entertained, so no mum, no enemies made on the way out! flight to Kathmandu was short and sweet, around an hour long, but coming in to land between mountains is an interesting experiance! we get to Kathmandu having been promised snow, so of course its warm enough to strip to t shirts. We then head to the baggage, when i pray to all the gods in Nepal, which is several, that the green slug has arrived. So i wiped my brow when my 21 kilo friend waved at me from across the pile of bags thrown on the floor. Sarah and Carmella were the unfortuate two whose ags seem to vanished from the system according to the airline. Luckily Canadian Sarahs bag has reappeared since.
Bags thrown on top of the bus we set off through Kathandu to the Thorong Peak guest house, richard forgetting to shut the door in the way in who ever was next to the door watched clutching their seat as the 'avoiding' tactic of driving was put in to place.
Having got to Thorong Peak we had our first taste of Nepali chia, which i will put the recipe up here for in due course). Settling in and a trip in the evening to Rumdoodle, a bar frequented by those who have summited everest as well as the other mountains that for the Himalayas. Those groups who arrive successful sign a giant card board foot, which is then stuck in place. there are 40,000 + in this small bar. pretty cool.

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