Friday, February 12, 2010

GORKHA - our house, in the middle of the field

Now it's time to tell you about our exciting little place called Gorkha , as i guess you want to know what i've been doing for the last 1 1/2 months. Ok well first of all there's our pink house. We live on the second floor, behind a blue grill on rusty wheels. Once you've got our mega padlock off, you trundle up the stairs, retrieve our key for the second padlock from our secret hiding place and effectively kick the door in. then you are in to Chez Gorkha, or the 'upper house'. We've got a kitchen (which is currently leaking, it's Ok, super Dhurba has sorted it in a jiffy). Dhurba is our awesome landlord who works at the Gurkha Inn just up the hill from us. Any way, the kitchen, with our 120 eggs (misunderstanding took place) our gas hob, and sink. We sit in there and just chill eat our food and play the same card games over and over! Then we have our schloo, a shower loo thing, where you can sit on the loo and shower. Although thats not advised as there is no hot water (unless we boil it!). then there's two bedroom, with our newly adorned curtains. Of course mine and Ed's is the tidyest.... ahem. And then there's the room we don't use. It's just sort of a concrete shell that gets not light. At night it turns in to the damp laundry room if clothes haven't dried . And then theres the roof, but thats just the roof really! When its summer, head up there and chill out with the panoramic view of the mountains, valleys and Gorkha. Pretty cool. Next door a school is being built. we've seen two levels go up, so now it's a 3 storey mega building, held up with bamboo scaffolding!

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